Top Eyelid Surgeon in Denver

Oculoplastic Surgeon
Denver Eyelid Specialists
8301 East Prentice Ave Suite 403
Greenwood Village CO 80111
720 386 1989
F 720 386 2088
General Guidelines for the day of Surgery
1. Do not drive or operate any heavy machinery
2. Do not drink alcohol for 72 hours
3. Do not sign any legal documents or make any important decisions today
4. No smoking for 1 week after surgery
1. Resume Normal Diet as tolerated after your blepharoplasty
2. A healthy diet is essential for proper healing
1. No heavy lifting, bending, straining or nose blowing
2. No exercising or lifting over 10 pounds
3. Sleep with the head elevated at 30 degrees
Wound Care
1. Apply antibiotic ointment to the wound twice a day with a q-tip
2. You can shower but do not allow direct spray of water to hit the stitches
3. Light bleeding or blood tinged tears is to be expected.
1. Erythromycin ophthalmic ointment for stitches and in the eye if the eye feels dry
2. Percocet 5/325 for pain as needed. Most patients do not feel the need to use it but it needs to be called in so it is given to most patients they can use it or not use it at their discretion.
Followup Visit
1. Please call Dr Thiagarajah for vision loss or excessive bleeding from the eyelid, sudden bulging of the eye or sudden decrease in vision